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The 28th Annual Ontario QSO Party 2025

To be held on the third full weekend of April
1800Z April 19 to 0500Z April 20, 2025
and 1200Z to 1800Z April 20, 2025

Submit Activation Plan for "Who's On" Page

2024 Rules Change: Self Spotting is now permitted, and addition of Distributed Multi-Multi Class.

2024 Final Results

The OQP counts towards the State QSO Party Challenge.

Welcome to the Ontario QSO Party (OQP). This event is held annually on the third full weekend of April. Beginning in 1998 under the thoughtful guidance of Bob Chandler VE3SRE it quickly became a popular event among Ontario hams and beyond. In 2006 the organization of the party was turned over to Contest Club Ontario (CCO) who now manage the event.

In the contest, stations outside Ontario make as many contacts with Ontario amateur radio stations as possible. Ontario stations contact as many amateur radio stations as possible both in Ontario and world-wide. See the full set of rules for the contest exchange, frequencies, modes and categories.

Bob VE3KZ receiving his plaque for 1st Single Op Mixed Mode OQP (presented by Paul VA3PC)

The ON QSO Party scoreboard URL:  https://contestonlinescore.com/scoreboard/?contest_id=166

OQP Group

Join the Ontario QSO Party discussion group and find out what your friends are up to. How to join this group:

Go to https://groups.io/g/OQP and click on Join.


Logging software and support files for OQP


® 2006-2024 by CCO